[v. 40044] Known Issues
Game gets stuck if you click on Tutorial on Resting while in the Long Rest loading screen
- If you click very fast on the campfire to Long Rest after the Tutorial on Resting appears, then click on the Tutorial Pop-Up while in the loading screen, you get stuck in the loading screen.
- Workaround: Don't do that e.e
Game can get stuck in a fight against Crabs stuck underwater
- If you Long Rest twice in a row and go back to the beach, a fight that should only be available at low tide may trigger even though it's high tide - making it impossible to complete as the crabs will be underwater (and you can't go underwater).
- Workaround: Don't go back to the beach if you did 2 long rests and aggro angry underwater crabs.
Echoes of the Deep always does full damage
- The Giant Crab Clacker's power Echoes of the Deep does full damage whether you succeed your Constitution Saving Throw or not.
- Workaround: None, prepare your butt because it will hurt. Life is unfair and so is this Giant Crab.
Kobolds sometimes don't run towards enemies in the final fight
- That's not a bug that's a feature. They ain't the bravest little critters.
- Workaround: Did you try cheering them on very hard?
Some auto-saves during combat trigger at the wrong moment
- It is currently possible for auto-saves to trigger during a character's turn instead of at the start of their turn. In the worst situation, it could potentially auto-save as you are taking an attack of opportunity and dying because of it.
- Workaround: Make plenty of manual saves and don't rely on them auto-saves. Back in my day we saved BY HAND!
Game can get stuck if you enter the secret entrance to the Temple while still in combat with crabs
- If you run into the temple's secret entrance while in combat with crabs, the quest will break and enemies won't spawn in the temple once the fight with crabs is over.
- Workaround: Kill the crabs before you enter the temple. Kill them all. And not just the giant crabs, but the regular crabs and the crablings too.