Game is laggy / looks strange / blurry
My game is laggy!
Keep in mind that this is a demo, meaning we haven't had the time to do a significant amount of work on optimization yet. However, if you're having performance issues with a good graphic card & processor, make sure you lower your resolution to 1920x1080 - we did notice some significant drop in performance above that resolution at the moment.
My game looks blurry!
Make sure you increase your render scale to 100% if your computer can handle it! The lower the render scale is the blurrier the game gets, in exchange for being less demanding performance-wise.
My game looks very strange inside the Kobold Cavern in Low Video Settings
Our current video settings (which we're still working on) unfortunately go a little wonky in some situations. If your PC can handle it, make sure you set Reflections in your video settings to medium and not low.