That's right, in less than a week we've already reached more than 2,000 Backers and we're getting close to 50% of our goal! You guys are the best. Thank you so much for all your support and your feedback, keep on getting the word out there!
As the Kickstarter Campaign is starting to shape up, we also have a few announcements to make!
- You've been many to ask for it, and we've decided to commit: We will release Solasta: Crown of the Magister on Mac as well! (Release date may not be the same)
- We are currently in discussing for Russian Localization and a couple other languages!
- We missed it the first time, but we've been given a "Project We Love" Tag by Kickstarter! Thanks guys!

This week-end has been an active one. We've reached not one, not two... But SIX Achievements, unlocking two Social Rewards at once!
- The Wallpaper Pack, which can be found on our Website. Please keep in mind that a lot of these are Mood / Research Environment Art, and may not appear in the final game. They were created to help us visualize the world of Solasta and its different Biomes, and are not necessarily representative of what you will find in-game.

- Iron Man Mode is now Unlocked. This is for all of you crazy people who like challenges, for there will be no save-scumming allowed in this mode! Pray to the gods of RNG that they may treat you well, you will need their support.
Here is where we're currently standing for the next Social Goals!
- KS Backers: 2017/3000
- Retweets: 143/300
- Youtube Subscribers: 897/1500
- Steam Group: 2909/3500
- Facebook Members: 425/1000
- Shares: 70/200
- Fan Art: 4/5
- Discord Members: 409/1000
- Forum Members: 455/1000
On this note, big thanks to Krisys for converting our 4 Kickstarter Characters... Into Pixel Art! They are just adorable (and yes, it does count as 4 Fan Arts).