PC / Mac
- Fixed being able to give Esfalad the Dryad Queen's head before starting The Dryad Queen quest, preventing from starting the Jungle Escort quest
- Fixed the Waterfall exit area sometimes disappearing after entering the Hidden Caves in Verdant Valley
- Fixed Halman Summer missing from a cutscene... making the dialog very, very strange.
- Fixed a bug that could occur in Custom Dungeons if you spammed the skip button too quickly during dialogs
- Added a messsage when trying to select a DLC class in Multiplayer when the host doesn't own the DLC.
- Made some changes to improve movement smoothness in Multiplayer
- Fixed an error that could occur when right clicking on an item while in a shop
- Fixed more desyncs in Multiplayer, such as closing the inventory immediately after moving an item before the network validated the move, or playing around in the bestiary menu.
- Fixed a rare case where starting a random encounter right before 8:00 AM and finishing it after 8:00 AM would prevent the exit area from appearing.
- Fixed items not immediately appearing on the ground after being dropped in Multiplayer
- Improve stability and added more safety nets to prevent potential crashes
- Fixed the game sometimes displaying xbox controls in weird places without reasons
- Fixed the Point Buy System being unavailable due to its icon being replaced by the male/female slider (wut?)
- Fixed a scroll of Resurrection in the People's Hideout causing errors when looted
- Fixed a freeze that would occur when a Druid in Wild Shape gets knocked unconscious by an attack of opportunity (both the animal shape and druid reaching 0 HP in one strike)
- Made some optimization passes on Caer Hyfrid
- Fixed a Ranger with Fast Aim and a +1 Longbow equipped losing their UI when entering combat
- Made several optimization passes to improve Xbox performance, notably in areas such as Caer Hyfrid which could lead to crashes on Xbox One.
- Fixed a crash that would occur when entering certain cutscenes with a Kindred Spirit summoned
- Fixed not being able to select usable powers during dialogs with the gamepad
- Fixed not being able to select different options in the post-combat revive screen with the gamepad
- Fixed not being able to select a location when reaching an exit area in some Custom Dungeons
- Fixed Game Menu sometimes not being available with the gamepad
- Fixed Ray of Frost VFX on Xbox
- Fixed the A button becoming unresponsive on gamepad if the "Move with Right Click" setting is activated
- Fixed radial menus sometimes being accessible during black screens which could cause errors
- Fixed a rare bug where it would be impossible to interact with the statues in the fight against Zharon
- Fixed a rare bug where the in-game light would become progressively brighter and brighter, until the entire world was consumed in light. Praise the sun!
- Prevents using invalid file names when using a controller for text input
- Fixed pinging with a gamepad generating five pings at once, this isn't Apex or League of Legends
- Fixed certain areas in Caer Hyfrid, Cemetary, Research Complex and Copparan Mines being hard to reach with the gamepad
- Fixed pressing RT & LT at the same time opening both radial menus... forever. Releasing the buttons won't release you from your torments.
- Improved navigation with gamepad when selecting feats.
- Fixed being able to control the host character in multiplayer by opening the inventory immediately after ending your turn (how do you even find those exploits)
- Fixed two hidden doors in Underground Ruins being permanently highlighted after being opened.
- Fixed one stone pillar in Underground Ruins (Lost Temple) being impossible to interact with
- Fixed the location tooltip sometimes overlapping the travel journal on the world map
- Scrolling down in the merchant item list should now work as intended
- Fixed missing environment under the Mana Generator in the Dark Laboratory
- Fixed gamepad guides sometimes appearing during cutscenes
Alright folks, that's it for today! Don't hesitate to drop by our Discord Server to find other players for Multiplayer sessions.
Article by Tactical Myzzrym