Hi there folks! We're back with Hotfix 1.0.22 and a little preview of our what's coming up next, as well as some solutions for folks who are having issues!
Known Issues & Work Around
I have a high end GPU (GTX 2070, 3090...) and Solasta keeps overheating my computer!
We found out that the game does not perform properly above 60 FPS :( The solution is to go to the graphic setting and either switch VSync to Double, or if that doesn't work switch VSync to none and to cap your FPS at 60
My main quest is stuck even though the patch notes says it's fixed!
Most of the time if you sequence break (aka you manage to bypass a trigger that would make the quest move on), a patch won't fix your save retroactively. This means you will need to load a previous save file and re-do the level - for example, if you're stuck in Dark Castle, you will need to load a save from the start of Dark Castle (or before you arrived at Dark Castle).
I used to be stuck in a weird screen with clouds when I started a new campaign
This was an issue primarily with Windows 7 configs where Microsoft removed a certain codec that prevents Unity videos from working. We should have implemented a work-around without having to delete the movie in your folder, but if you are still stuck please make sure to let us know (at worst, the old work-around still works)
Patch Notes:
- Removed outdated crafting recipe for scroll of Mirror Image that doesn't work
- Made sure a certain Sorak can now be targeted while hanging on the wall
- Fixed some AoE spells looking very strange when cast next to walls
- Fixed one specific beard being misplaced on dwarven faces
- Fixed an issue when two cutscenes were trying to trigger at the same time
- Fixed a couple of crashes that could occur during specific encounters
- Fixed an issue which could cause the quest journal to break when the player would go back and forth between too many quests at once without completing any of them.
- Attempting a hotfix to "being stuck when starting a new campaign". Users affected by the issue should now see a variation of the Intro Movie, though without sound.
- Fixed a save corruption issue if a character equipped an Orc Shortbow, Orc Javelin or Ogre Javelin. Saves that were corrupted in this manner should now properly load.
- Fixed an issue when loading an Early Access save where a certain cutscene with Merton... did not have Merton in it. Making it very awkward.
- Improved a few cutscenes when talking to Merton
- Fixed an instance where the Lowlife and Sellsword cutscenes would trigger at the same time
- Fixed a rare save corruption issue which could happen when the player saved while a scroll was being scribed
- Fixed a sequence break in Dark Castle where players who managed to go through a tree in a certain place could end up getting their main quest stuck. If your main quest is stuck in Dark Castle, you will need to load a save prior to entering Dark Castle / right after entering the Dark Castle location from the World Map
- Fixed a rare sequence break in Dark Castle that could happen if players used Misty Step while trying to solve the Maze puzzle.
- Fixed a rare issue in Caer Lem where the main quest would not progress after defeating Soraks in combat
- Guardian of Faith can now be cast (although it is lacking some VFX for now)
- Fixed an instance in the Evocation Main Quest where the door would not open when meeting with Brok in front of the Throne Room to face Arrok.
- Fixed some items being deleted by reordering the inventory while trying to sell things at a shop
- Banishment should now correctly permanently banish extraplanar creatures when the banished target is the last remaining enemy in the fight.
- Ending a fight with a creature controlled by Dominate Person will automatically kill it, instead of having it follow you everywhere (and unfortunately breaking the game in the process)
- Fixed an exploit wherein selecting a sub-class during level up, then cancelling the level up process, then using the level up to select another sub-class would grant you the features of both sub-classes
- Fixed the issue where shooting a bow with a Dwarf would cause massive delays every time
- Fixed a rare instance in Cradle of Fire where none of the characters would have a dialog choice when trying to give back the axe to Radulf, effectively blocking the game
- Fixed a rare instance in one Council cutscene where none of the characters would have a dialog choice, effectively blocking the game
- Remove outdated Scroll of Mirror Image from the game
- Fixed Poison Vial acting like a Healing Potion
- Finally added Primed Longsword to the Arcaneum Shop
- Calm Emotion now only affects humanoids like it should
- Fixed a sequence break where obtaining the bones in Aer Elai before entering a fight would block progress on the main quest. If you are affected by this issue, you need to load a save from before you looted the bones
What's next?
For now we're done with our first round of Hotfixes, and we'll disappear for some times in order to prepare... The Sorcerer Update! As those of you who followed us since Kickstarter already know, we promised the Sorcerer Class as a free post-launch DLC - and we intend to follow up on that promise!
Working on a Sorcerer will take some time, which is why we can't afford as a small team to keep testing and releasing hotfixes while doing so - but worry not, we will still be working on small improvements and fixes while getting the Sorcerer ready. Things such as the Tome of Understanding not working will be properly fixed with the Sorcerer Update as well! So... the next question is when? We're happy to say that the Sorcerer Update should drop in the upcoming weeks, so keep the game warmed up in your library as you may want to do another run soon!
... Also, know that there will be a little something in that update for our Russian and Brazilian fans :)
Remaining Kickstarter Rewards
Now that the launch is over, it's also a good time to talk a bit about the remaining Kickstarter rewards! First of all, if you are still having issues with redeeming your rewards please make sure you read the FAQ update on Kickstarter. The following rewards, provided they were part of your backer tier, should already be available:
- In-game Kickstarter Items & Spell VFX
- Supporter Pack Extra Dice
- Digital Orchestral Soundtrack (Steam Key)
Now, as for the remaining ones:
Solasta Digital World Map
This one is ready to go, however we'll be bundling it with the rest to avoid spamming you with CrowdOx mails (since it sends one every time a reward is added).
The Solasta Tabletop Sourcebook (PDF)
We're working on it, and it's progressing smoothly! We'll post a few pictures on Twitter and Discord soon :)
The Dev Documents
We'll start gathering these, as we're now slowly moving away from the rush of the 1.0 launch. Beware though, there will be a lot of French and terrible, terrible humour in these documents. Sanity Checks will be rolled as you go through these documents!
Physical Rewards
The Adventure Box and the Sourcebook might be slightly delayed due to the current situation in the tabletop industry. For those who may not already know, compared to 2019 the landscape has changed a little - on top of which we've been very busy focusing on the 1.0 launch of Solasta. That said, delay does not mean cancellation (not at all). We have most of the files ready and we're simply waiting for the completing of the Solasta Sourcebook (PDF) to get manufacturers to start working on our Kickstarter goodies!
For the Vinyl, our audio partner G4F should be sending those sometimes during summer! We'll relay the information as soon as they are shipped :)
Finally for the paintings, our Art Director is currently taking some well deserved time away from the screen... and close to his brush. We'll share some pictures in the upcoming weeks^^