You people are fantastic! We reached 100%!
Get yourself a drink, round's on us!
Thank you, thank you from the bottom of our heart. From the very start of the project, we poured the passion we had for Tabletop RPGs into Solasta: Crown of the Magister. We stayed in the dark for some time, turning a prototype into a real, solid and beautiful game - followed by working on a public Demo.
During that time, there is one question that's always in the back of every game developer's head - will players like it? Then we went to Gen Con this summer with the first version of the playable Demo, and the tabletop crowd loved it. We went to Gamescom, and the journalists loved it. We went to Pax West, and the video game community loved it.
Finally, we went to Kickstarter and you guys loved it. It's thanks to every last one of you that we're funded today, and that we'll be able to expand beyond the initial scope of the game. As promised, these $200,000 will go towards many things, the most important being more content!
Stretch Goals will be gradually revealed as we reach more and more of them!
The first Stretch Goal is the New Background: Lawkeeper!
You have an instinct for spotting trouble and the force of personality to nip it in the bud. As a deputy, you learned how to spot a lie and how to discourage a troublemaker with nothing but a cold-eyed stare. And if keeping the peace and protecting the innocent requires you to break a few heads, you're ready. After some time working in law enforcement in the Principality of Masgarth, you discovered that dealing with petty criminals on a daily basis wasn’t enough for you, and you left for a different life - one of travel and discovery, hoping that your experience and personal qualities would serve you well.
The second Stretch Goal is the New Feature: Party Banter!
Part of the fun of Tabletop RPGs is the "friendly" and "wholesome" remarks from your companions when you roll the dice - even more so when you fail repeatedly. It just wouldn't have the same charm without these jabs and sarcastic comments now, would it?
Well, worry not - you will now be able to experience this in Solasta: Crown of the Magister as well! The kind Cleric that encourages you to do better next time, the wholesome Paladin who tells you not to give up... Or the Rogue who simply laughs at you and tell you how much you suck. It's always the Rogue. Why is it always the Rogue.
The third Stretch Goal is... Thought I would tell you? You'll see soon enough!
As a reminder, the Paladin is already unlocked from reaching 100% of the Campaign Goal.
As good news come in pair (wait what), we're happy to announce that we've reached the first tier of the Referral Program, meaning every backer gets the In-Game Item: Dwarven Bread! Keep spreading the word of Solasta out there!
Delicious (not really) AND deadly as an improvised weapon!