Adventurers, what did you do?

Adventurers, what did you do?

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Wake up, adventurer.

The numbers, adventurer! What do they mean?! Well, that’s what we’re here to show you. Let’s dive into what you did during this week of Steam Next Fest. How many of you saved the Fishermen? Did Jabori survive the adventure? Did you find the Temple’s secret entrance?

It’s been hard work trying out all of these demos, wasn’t it Sherlock? Take a well-deserved long rest.

Before we start, don't forget to wishlist Solasta II on Steam - it helps us a ton!

Roll out the numbers, devs!

An adjustment to Community Streams’ schedule

As we’re now going to be going full focus working on preparing Early Access, we are going to slow down on Community Streams. While you already know that I could yap for hours every week in front of a camera about game development and D&D, there is unfortunately little I could show on screen without spoiling too much! We’re therefore going from one stream every 2 weeks to one stream per month, with the next one being on Friday March 14th. 

Don’t worry though - once we get close to the Early Access launch, we’ll go back to more frequent streams! There will be plenty to show then. 

Article by Tactical Myzzrym

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