Hey there folks!
Only one day remaining before Gen Con 2019, and you know what that means - it's time for each and everyone to get an update about the Kickstarter Pre-Alpha Demo! Because yes, we can now officially say it - although some of you may have already guessed, the Pre-Alpha Demo will go public on Steam at the same time our Kickstarter goes live!
When is that? Well... That I cannot reveal yet (SoonTM), but I can definitively tell you where to keep a lookout! We now have a new, dedicated Page with all the Kickstarter Info you need right here! Go and check it out, and don't forget to make sure you've signed up to our Newsletter to be among the first to know when the dates go live.
And it comes with a neat little gameplay video!
Back to Gen Con, here is a reminder of where / when you can find us:
- We will be located in Indiana Convention Center Hall B, close to Hall B HQ. You can find us on Gen Con's Interactive Map
- We will be there from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, no need to sign up you can just drop by
- The Pre-Alpha Demo will be playable, although it still need some work & polish
- It is free! (Aside from needing the usual Gen Con Badge to attend)
Don't be shy, drop by to say hello!
As this News goes live, we'll already be in the plane to cross the Atlantic for Indianapolis! So to all of you out there, I say good night, sleep tight, and don't let the Bedbugs bite!
Especially not these Bedbugs!