That's it folks,
We've finally made it to Steam Early Access! It's hard to imagine that it's been barely a year since the end of our Kickstarter Campaign, isn't it? The game has changed so much since the first Demo we released that it feels like an eternity. I even begin to tell you how happy we are to finally be able to not only show, but even put the game in your hands at last. Alright let's cut this intro short - apologies but no feline friends for this time!
Get Solasta Early Access on Steam now!
This one is for everyone who missed our Kickstarter and repeatedly asked us if we could have a late backer option - you can now buy the game on Steam! We're celebrating the release with a -15% launch Discount for the week, and will appear in the very relevant upcoming Steam Festival - The Digital Tabletop Fest.
If you're not familiar with Early Access, getting the game on Steam now will also give you the final game at launch (you won't need to buy it twice) - however keep in mind that save files will likely not be compatible.
Also... You played and enjoyed Solasta? Help us out by leaving an honest review on Steam! The gods of Steam Algorithms are finicky, and the more reviews we have the better off we'll be!
Early Access Launch Trailer is out!
New monsters? New environments? New spells? LORE? To celebrate our Early Access Launch, here is a brand new trailer for everyone to enjoy!
Solasta Supporter Pack DLC
Kickstarter Backers, make sure to redeem your Supporter Pack Key to enjoy some high resolution Concept Art of Solasta (as well as some Digital Dice Customization when 1.0 releases). For the others, if you love Solasta so much that you want to further support the studio after buying the game, head to the DLC Page!
Share your Feedback & Suggestions!
A large part of Early Access is about you - our community - and how you can help us shape the game into what you really want Solasta to be. As such, we ask you not to be shy - if there are bugs you'd like to see squashed, features you'd like to get implemented or tweaks you'd like to see added, come and tell us! Our Official Forums are here for that.
Article by Tactical Myzzrym